Tag Archives: Singapore

Garages: The useless, the useful, the crazy!

Convenience and safety are one of the main reasons you need a garage to keep your car. However, the garage can be used for many things…

In the UK, a study in 2006 showed that the majority of car garages were used not to store their cars, but for storing household items etc. Quoted figures from the RAC Foundation, found that while 53 per cent of households had access to a garage, only 24 per cent used them and claimed many garages were “not being used for their proper purpose.” Back then, this astonished a group of MPs who wanted people to make the most of their garage. They proposed an  introduction to a paid permit for space, just to ease on-street parking problems – which didn’t go down too well!


In London, it is claimed that there are over 3,000 unused car garages. Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, recently back in Feb 2014 wanted to spark a garage business revolution in London, by helping start-up companies find space to begin their adventure in central locations. Now it’s flourishing, with many start-up companies taking advantage of the affordable rent in order to become the best next thing, similarly to the likes of Apple & Disney etc.


So in the UK garages are not getting used for their ultimate purpose. In Singapore they’ve taken it to the a whole other level, literally. Try having your car as one of the centre pieces to your home – for aesthetics, rather than function.

Hamilton estates in Singapore have found a novel and technically advance way for their tenants to keep an eye on, or show off their prize procession cars, they can keep them right outside their windows. This may sound normal, but not when you window is 10 floors up!

Take a look for yourselves.
